For liver imbalances ( liver qi, effulgence of liver yang, depressive liver heat, liver fire harassing above,liver wind), please avoid or minimize the following foods or drinks which aggravate the Chinese concept of the Liver:
--Alcohol; Greasy,fatty,oily foods; Overeating in general; Coffee (both regular & deccaff); Hard to digestion foods such as nuts; Heavy red meats in abundance; Excessive sour foods and drinks; Spicy, pungent, "hot" foods;
For digestive weakness (spleen qi vacuity, spleen yang vacuity, spleen dampness)
--Please avoid or minimize the following: Raw salads, fruits, & vegetables; Pork; Dairy products; Sugar & Sweets; Buckwheat; Beer; Cold drinks with meals; Fruit juices; Melons, strawberries, pears, bananas; Frozen or chilled foods; large doses of vitamin C; lettuce, radishes, celery; Herb teas or over the counter preparations with Echinacea or Goldenseal
--Please eat all warm, cooked foods, plenty of cooked vegetables, rice, noodles, soups, and stews. Be sure grains are well-cooked and easily digestible. Eat more frequent but smaller, easier to digest meals. Drink a teacup of warm water, broth, soup, or herb tea with each meal. You may use black and white pepper, cardamom, fresh ginger, ginger powder, cloves, nutmeg, orange peel, and fennel as cooking spices.
For Excessive phlegm
-- Please avoid or minimize the following: Dairy products; Heavy, hard to digest foods; Pears; Sugar & sweets; Overeating in general; Oily, greasy, fried, & fatty foods; Oats, possibly wheat;
If the phlegm is categorized as hot phlegm, please also avoid or minimize: alcohol; Spicy, pungent, "hot" foods;
For Kidney vacuity weakness (kidney qi vacuity, kidney yang vacuity, kidney qi not consolidating)
-- Please minimize or avoid the following foods and drinks:
Alcohol, Excessive fluids; Chilled, frozen foods & liquids; Coffee & coffeine; Artificial sweeteners; Stimulants, speed, so-called recreational drugs;
For Lung/Kidney Yin vacuity
--Please minimize or avoid the following foods: Spicy, pungent, "hot" foods; Recreational drugs; Coffee & coffeine; Alcohol; Cigarette smoking;
-- You may eat some animal meats, eggs, and dairy; oatmeal; cooked pears and apples as long as your case is not complicated by excessive phlegm
For Damp heat (liver/gallbladder damp heat, spleen damp heat, large intestine damp heat, lower burner damp heat)
-- Please minimize or avoid the following foods and drinks: Sugar & sweets; Spicy, pungent, "hot" foods; Alcohol; Nuts & nut butters; Greasy, oily, fried, & fatty foods; Pork & beef; Citrus fruits & juices especially orange juice;
If Damp heat is complicated by candidiasis, please also avoid or minimize: Vinegar; Yeasted breads and baked goods; Fermented foods (excepting miso, tempeh, shoyu, and yogurt); Any foods which may be contaminated by yeast and molds due to improper or prolonged spoilage.
For Blood Vacuity
--Please eat plenty of the following foods: cooked leafy greens; Meat and marrow broths and soups; Regular small portions of animal protein; Black beans; Easily digestible grains; Orange & yellow vegetables; Cherries, beets, grapes, & raspberries
Everyone should try to eat fresh food, freshly prepared, with a minimum of chemicals, preservatives, or additives. Grains should be cooked thoroughly to allow for easy and complete digestion. Vegetables, on the other hand, should not be overcooked so as to conserve valuable vitamins and enzymes. Sugar, salt, oil, and fat consumption should generally be kept low. Most people should try to eat large amounts of roughage and fiber. Dietary changes for chronic disease should be implemented slowly over a period of time but made a continuous part of one's lifestyle. In addition to a healthy diet, it is vitally important to get adequate exercise and rest. These are the three therapies which are the basis of good health.