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USA Notes

What is it?

Chinese Deep-Tissues Massage, also called TuiNa, is also an important component of Traditional Chinese Medicine. There is a difference between TuiNa and other kind of massage. TuiNa is usually used as a method to treat disease, including pain syndromes, tennis elbow, digestive problem, insomnia, and stroke rehabilitation.

How does it works?TOP

Deep Tissue Massage is used to release chronic patterns of muscular tension using slow strokes, direct pressure, or friction usually on a focused problem area. Often the movements are directed across the grain of the muscles (cross-fiber) using the fingers, thumbs, or elbows. This is applied with greater pressure and at deeper layers of the muscle than Swedish massage and that is why it is called deep tissue. Deep Tissue Massage is also a technique used in Sports Massage.

"Deep" doesn't necessarily mean "hard." With the proper technique, muscles deep in the body can be reached with a minimum of pressure.

It is used in treating muscle, tendon and ligament injuries, and crippling diseases. It is remarkably effective for skeletal structures that lie deep within the body that cannot be reached with the fingers in regular massage. It is done transversely on muscle fibers and has no relationship to relaxation massage.

Deep Tissue Massage works by breaking down scar tissue and crystallization, thus restoring proper muscular balance and bone structure. It can also increase the blood circulation to injured and aging areas that have decreased blood supply. It accomplishes this through controlled manual manipulation.

Health BenefitsTOP

Why do muscular and structural disorders go away and then return? Is it lack of massage? No, massage is not deep enough. Is it lack of spinal adjustments? No, when it is a muscular problem.

In cases of Osteoarthritis or Rheumatic arthritis where muscle tendons, ligaments, and bones become twisted and distorted, it is not good enough to just change the diet and colon cleanse. You must do Deep Tissue Massage to restore the physical and chemical balance.

You have never seen a technique so simple but yet so powerful. We have the most powerful body work available. I personally guarantee it no matter what the cause - whether it be a work injury, sports injury, or a muscle disease or disorder. Deep Tissue Massage will benefit greatly in your healing process.

How to choose a Practitioner ?TOP

Kevin, Dai, California Licensed Acupuntruist, graduated from ShangHai University of Chinese Traditonal Medicine, with 5 years' academy study (over 6,000 hours), including over 2,000 hours Western Medicine training. More than 10 years practical experience in Japan and China, especially in pain syndrames, insomnia, stroke rehabilitation, tennis elbow and digesting system problems.

Guidelines TOP

  • Wear loose fitting clothing (includes socks), preferably of natural fibre
  • Try not to eat a very large meal within 2 hours of your appointment
  • Refrain if possible from drinking alcohol before or after your appointment
  • Drink plenty of water after your appointment as this helps flush away impurities which come loose in the body after a treatment
  • Avoid strenuous physical exercises or saunas immediately after treatment
  • Please be punctual and respect the time of the other client awaiting their treatment
  • If you cannot make your appointment give at least 24 hours notice of postponement.


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